MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Recently UKLinkology ran an expert round up about blogger outreach tools and strategies.

40 experts were interviewed, and out of 40, 6 of them mentioned our blogger outreach software, NinjaOutreach, a total of 14 times.

For a tool that’s only been on the market for 9 months – that’s pretty Read More

Set Your Small Business Marketing Budget Right

Avatar Posted by SeanGallahar under Startups
From 3243 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on November 9, 2015 11:38 am
These are good rules to help you in establishing a budget. However, when it comes to establishing a specific dollar amount it is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all amount for your marketing budget. Read More
You are almost ready to launch your product. You've spent days and nights working hard on it.

Yet your biggest nightmare is that no one will come on the launch day. No downloads. No purchases. No social media buzz.

Avoid your personal apocalyptic scenario with the followi Read More
These are the top 20 socially proven ways that you can start implementing on your business in order to grow more twitter followers.
Read More

How to Grow Your Business’ Instagram Account

Avatar Posted by TekShouts under Social Media
From 3244 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on November 9, 2015 12:00 pm
You've got Facebook and Twitter down, and you even know how to post effectively on LinkedIn. But what about that selfie kingdom, Instagram? If you're not capitalizing on this visual-based app, you are missing an opportunity to create a face for your brand. Read More
We all lead busy lives, and somehow, over the past 20 years, although technology promised to make our lives easier, more productive and create more leisure time, most people would say they feel more stressed now than ever before. So what’s going on? And how can we make it better? Read More

How to Negotiate Successfully

Avatar Posted by aeschenburg under Management
From 3244 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on November 7, 2015 3:42 pm
When you think of negotiating, does it conjure up visions of sleazy used-car salesmen or tough-talking businessmen with the chutzpah of Donald Trump? Contrary to this unfortunate stereotype, you don’t have to be pushy, obnoxious or even especially forceful to succeed at business negotiation. Read More
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says he plans to give about one-third of his Twitter stock, or 1 percent of the company, to Twitter’s employees. But hold on. There’s a method to Dorsey’s madness. He figures a share in the company will give his employees a greater stake in its success. Read More
B2B content marketing is so popular it's hard to develop material that stand out. These small changes produce eye-catching content while also adding value. Read More
B2B content marketing is so popular it's hard to develop material that stand out. These small changes produce eye-catching content while also adding value. Read More

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