MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Bounce rate is defined as the percentage of visitors on a website or webpage who leave without accessing a second internal page. A bounce can occur when a visitor exits his or her web browser, clicks the “back” button, times out, or clicks an external link. Generally speaking, a high bounce rate is Read More
Thanks to Google alerts and social media updates, it’s easy to keep an eye on the competition: you know when they publish a new article, where they fall in search results, and how many times their latest post has been retweeted. But this information is just the end result for their digital marketin Read More

8 New Rules For Growing An Enduring Startup Brand

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3263 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on October 19, 2015 10:00 am
Every new business dreams of becoming the premier brand in their space, like Starbucks is to coffee, and Apple is to consumer electronics, but they have no idea how difficult that is to achieve. In fact, only 100 of the 10,000 multimillion-dollar consumer companies around the world can claim to be Read More
Over-the-top service is about providing every, single customer with the best possible experience. And while that sounds simple, it’s a concept with which plenty of small business owners struggle. It’s a tall order, especially when you’re a one-woman operation, since you may think the infrastructure Read More
Nowadays websites are very often displayed on many different devices, such as phones, tablets, desktops, TV screens and even watches. It forces developers to create websites using Responsive Web Design technique. In other words – we have to design pages in such a way, that they will adapt to the si Read More
Google has announced that now app developers can create Universal app campaigns directly form the Google Play Developer Console. Read More
Small business owners have to constantly work to find a balance between compensating workers adequately and maintaining profits. And along with this idea small business owners must also consider working conditions. How can they balance the wants and desires of employees against the practical needs Read More
Using customer relationship management software is good but using CRM asper latest trend is wonderful for any Business(small, medium or large). Let’s talk about some important CRM trend for small business
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More than 77% of the apps that you see come integrated with Web APIs now. A Web API or the Application Programming Interface can be referred to as a specification that can define the way software components interact. An API is called a Web API when it finds access to remote assets, using a communic Read More
There are two ingredients you cannot become a successful blogger without.

1. Traffic

2. Connections with other bloggers

You want to know another true fact ? About 90% of the time, you will not get number 1 if you don't have number 2. Read More

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