MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are several reasons why you might want to build your own personal brand. Perhaps you have a business that would benefit from a strong leader brand, or maybe you want to position yourself as an authority within your industry. It could be that you write a lot and want to use the net to boost yo Read More
Blogs, left alone won’t make you money; it is the activities you as a blogger run on it that has the potentials of making you money. The foundation to making money from your blogging activities solely depends on one very important fundamental principle: Read More
The Google mobile-friendly update is going to be a game-changer. How can we become better mobile marketers for this upcoming shift in Google Search? For some tips, let's look to the art of public speaking. Read More
Whether you are a parent or not, do you know what it takes to be a good parent? Parenting is certainly no easy task, therefore you need some guidance on how to go about it. In today's post, I've some universal tips for effective parenting for all.

More at the blog. :) Read More
Okay, so you’ve just gotten your first site up and running and you’re planning on doing your own SEO for same. Now, you’re thinking about the tons of bookmarks you’ve gotten saved to help with your DIY SEO Campaign and what comes first, in what order and why you need to even follow an order. Or may Read More
It’s easy to come up with reasons we don’t want to negotiate. Too scary. Takes too long. Frustrating. But to grow our businesses, we can’t let those excuses stand in our way. Read on to find the motivation that will help you step up in your business and ask for what you need. Read More
The RFM Model of segmentation is popular for business marketers, but can also be used very effectively by non-profits to save money when deciding whom to select from the house list for their next mailing rather than mailing to the entire house list each time. Read More
The article describes how QR codes and smartphones can help you optimize asset maintenance and keep maintenance records in order. Read More
All successful marketing efforts begin with the customers. Get yourself in the shoes of the customers to reach them effectively.
Knowing your customers well will save you time and money as your campaighns will be targetted and effective.I outline how to come up with customer persona so as to Read More
Throughout my career in small companies and large, I’ve always been appalled by the number of people who have a negative attitude or complain all of the time. These people don’t seem to realize that they are hurting themselves, as well as other people’s productivity, and jeopardize the future of th Read More

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