MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When your employees love your business as much as you, they feel empowered, have high employee morale, strong commitment, and more creative problem solving. Read More
When your employees love your business as much as you, they feel empowered, have high employee morale, strong commitment, and more creative problem solving. Read More
The ways in which we communicate with each other seems to be growing by the minute, as more social networks appear and expand. When you’re busy and want to check in on what’s been happening across your networks – whether for personal or business reasons – it can often seem like a bit of a chore to Read More
Social media sites like Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook and apps like Instagram taught us that getting rich with a single idea is possible. What is difficult is finding the right one. Therefore, here is a list of million dollar ideas to make the process easy. Read More

Social Media ROI: Measurement And Infographics

Avatar Posted by StuartJDavidson under Social Media
From 3616 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on November 10, 2014 9:42 am
Learn how to report and demonstrate social media ROI by understanding measurement difficulties, along with examples and social media ROI infographics. Read More
Remember that when you want to sell an idea or product, the best way to grab a person’s attention is by arousing his curiosity through the use of videos. Video is the fastest and most efficient tool when it comes to getting your message across. Human beings are very curious animals and they love go Read More

How To Ruin A Great Customer Experience

Avatar Posted by dabrock under Sales
From 3617 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on November 9, 2014 1:17 am
I took my car in to be serviced the other day. The dealership has done a fantastic job in designing a great customer experience.

I made my appointment online, it was easy to choose a time that was convenient for me. The day before they sent me a reminder and introduced me to “Dale,” my service Read More
The advertisement that bangs on to the Television screens as soon as we switch them on are becoming a huge buzz off these days mostly because they are becoming more of an interruption and plus very sales orientated than being a Source Of Information unlike Content Marketing. Read More
If I asked you to go out and do influencer marketing, your natural instinct would be to go out and find the best bloggers in your niche, and see if they were open to partnering up.

In fact, this is most peoples’ natural instinct, and as a result it creates a huge skew.

You have the top 1% of Read More
Fact: You need to start planning for next year’s marketing efforts today. But creating a succinct plan and getting executive approval can be tricky without a well written strategic template. That’s why we put this together for you to walk you through the process (and get your boss to say yes!). Read More

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