MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you are looking for accounting outsourcing solutions at the moment, these are the following six things your CPA firm can expect to enjoy: Read More
In this article, I’ll help you understand what landing pages and content hubs are, why you need them, and how to build them. My goal is to arm you with the tips, tools, examples, and best practices you need to hit the ground running in the month ahead.
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People are five times more likely to buy after they visit an About Us page. But that's not all -- they also spend 25% more! Ready to write one now? Read More
There are loads of techniques in the school of business process management to help you with these three concerns but in this article, we’re going to give you an introduction to process mining; a data driven way to create, understand, and optimize your processes.
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There are loads of techniques in the school of business process management to help you with these three concerns but in this article, we’re going to give you an introduction to process mining; a data driven way to create, understand, and optimize your processes.
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Starting a business is more than quitting your day job and putting together a website for your new project. It involves the law, your money, and your daily energy. When it comes to being your own boss, knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you can both protect and grow your business. Read More
For the modern small business, voice technology is a great way to streamline processes and boost customer service. However, according to recent statistics from Globant, while 45% of senior employees use voice-activated technology personally, only 31% use the technology at work. Further, only 55% ar Read More

14 useless words to throw away

Avatar Posted by uttoransen under Online Marketing
From 2252 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on August 3, 2018 8:41 am
Sometimes we throw in words that add nothing to the meaning. They make it harder to read your article, book or report. Here are some words you can throw away. Read More
I started wondering: what would a 4-week challenge look like for small business owners (whom I call micropreneurs when they do everything, or close to it, in their businesses)? Oddly enough, no one had created what I had in mind. So, ya know, I created one myself! Read More
Suppose that two digital agencies land a new client project.

The first agency is known for their rockstar designers and developers. They divvy up the project and work independently on each part — designers create the web design and developers build the functionality. The two teams work on what t Read More

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