MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It’s never been easier to start an online business for your company, especially in 2018. Back in the day, a business venture will have plenty of risks you need to bear, such as needing to invest in a physical storefront or finding an office space.

With perfect online business ideas, yo Read More
Everything you need to know about GDPR as an App Owner and how it can impact the use of mobile apps.
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Setting up a new startup or running one is not as easy as some people think. So how can your startup improve customer loyalty and increase sales? This article showcases some of the best ways to build and improve customer loyalty and sales. Read More
Voice search is the new mobile. More than a passing trend, it’s a technology that businesses need to pay attention to as the use of it continues to grow. People use voice search everywhere – whether at home where no one can hear them or in a public setting while out with friends. This change in con Read More
In today’s internet era, your website is the most crucial marketing tool that can present your business to a large audience pool. As today, most of the people are using the internet to get the solutions for diverse queries, many business owners are shifting their businesses from offline to online. Read More
Being able to give proper feedback relies on the ability to communicate effectively. Any criticism must be delivered in a constructive way, in order to give the receiver confidence and inspire them to improve. Destructive criticism will lead to bad feeling and possible reduction in performance. Read More
People start photography blogs for one of these two reasons:

#1. When they’re looking to use their photography blogs to generate leads for their photography business and services.


#2: When they’re just hobbyist photographers and want to share their creatives with the world. Of course, w Read More
One of the biggest decisions you’ll take as an online seller is to choose a platform for selling your products. You can go for a fully managed service like Shopify or BigCommerce, a completely configurable shopping cart, or a solution like WooCommerce.

Even though these solutions start at $0 or Read More
Motivation, influence and persuasion are more important than you might think. We are all at least part time influencers, motivators and persuaders in some aspect of life whether it’s convincing a toddler to eat her vegetables or closing a six-figure deal, motivation, influence and persuasion skill Read More
One of the main reasons businesses publish content is to attract customers by offering free value. Without usefulness there is no value for the reader.

This post will answer your question: How to write a blog post? Also if your blog post is useful, it is not hard to get it read!
#contentmarketi Read More

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