MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are dozens of VPN Services solutions available in the market today. In this article, we detail the main features and benefits of the top VPN Services products in our database to help you shortlist and select the right app for your business needs. Read More
1. Write Posts that are Cheerleads for Your Prospects and Fans’ Values and Goals.

The biggest problem with Facebook posts is reach. You need to get your audience to like them, and that means you need to know what your audience values and what their goals are. If you can create a post that cheerl Read More
Data management isn't for the faint of heart — or depleted of resources. Truth be told, you can't DIY a data-driven marketing strategy. You can't survive on a makeshift infrastructure or rely on half-baked insights. But you can hire someone to do the work for you. Read More

Flipboard\'s Update Is a Real Game Changer

Avatar Posted by websuccessteam under Marketing
From 2537 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on October 22, 2017 1:33 pm
Last week Flipboard launched a very important update. One that will make you think twice about the app. It’s a self-service program that helps publishers be discovered on the platform.

If you are looking to get more visitors to your website, now is the time to get on Flipboard and submit your RS Read More
Effective presentations are vital in securing new business and helping a firm grow. Thanks to advancements in technology, small businesses now have a wealth of tools available to them for delivering powerful presentations, quickly and efficiently. Here’s ten of the best business presentation apps f Read More
What are the skills you should cultivate to thrive as an entrepreneur in an increasingly digital world? These young entrepreneurs share their opinions. Read More
Sometimes, smart city technology helps. Other times, not so much: say, interactive art prone to getting loved to death. Boston has tinkered with both feeble and fab apps, resulting in pretty useful apps. Here are six examples that will get you phone-jabby. Read More
Agency partnerships are a wonderful option for a business that wants to expand their services without losing focus from their current services. In our latest post, we discuss when you should use these partnerships. Read More

Do the Most Important Things First

Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Human Resources
From 2538 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on October 23, 2017 10:41 am
Do you have busy days, but feel like you haven't achieved very much? You are not alone. Many people concentrate on non-valuable busy tasks, at the expense of higher-value productive ones. Here are some tips to help you prioritise. Read More

Get Better Audience Insights With These 4 Simple Tips

Avatar Posted by Webpresence under Marketing
From 2538 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on October 19, 2017 8:15 am
The better you know your audience, the faster you can respond and the quicker your business will grow. Here are some tips on collecting customer insights. Read More

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