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5 Fantastic Tools to Automate Social Listening

Avatar Posted by StellaShveyqgd under Strategy
From 2612 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on August 5, 2017 10:20 am
Marketing places such a demand on your time these days that using technology to help keep the work going is essential. That’s nowhere truer than in marketing fields like social media, where you’re expected to be able to respond to a tweet or comment in minutes, but spend a lot of dedicated time to Read More
Facebook constantly changes its game and it’s hard to keep up sometimes, but there are a few things that haven’t changed. A few simple things you can do to make sure that you’re making the most of your Facebook presence.

I agree that advertising can be quite tricky, and even organic reach may ha Read More
The truth is that both the alt text and image title are important for SEO[1], they go hand in hand so, it’s advisable to always use both of them. Read More
Does your business have a plan in case of an emergency? Natural disasters and other emergency situations can leave business owners scrambling. And that’s a lesson that Lisandra Pagan, PhD learned the hard way in her first business venture. But that lesson led to a new business idea — Deliberate Pla Read More
Every business I know is intimately familiar with outbound marketing, or pushing your message out to customers through email, newspaper, and television advertising. Only a few really understand the process and value of inbound marketing, for pulling customers to your brand. In my experience, it’s t Read More

13 Fresh Email Marketing Ideas You Should Try Today

Avatar Posted by belsummers under Online Marketing
From 2613 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on August 4, 2017 7:44 am
A marketer should know how to craft newsletters or other email materials that actually engages prospects and lures them into the sales pipeline.

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Rather than letting your social media accounts go inactive (which is terrible in terms of drawing new customers), simplify the process to make social media work for you and your schedule. Read More
Having trouble getting people to your website? Want to know some ideas on how to expand your online reach? Many small businesses are trying to maximize their website visits but don't know where to get started. I will be talking you through 7 different ways that you can increase your website visits Read More
Having trouble getting people to your website? Want to know some ideas on how to expand your online reach? Many small businesses are trying to maximize their website visits but don't know where to get started. I will be talking you through 7 different ways that you can increase your website visits Read More
This week's small business marketing must reads, collated by Amelia Champion, online marketing expert. Read More

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