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10 Challenges Franchise Owners May Face -

Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 2679 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on May 28, 2017 2:16 pm
Today's franchise owners face many challenges. Heck, ALL small business owners face challenges.The ability to work through them sets apart the winners from the losers. Check out this nice infographic for tips. Read More
Twitter can be a great way to distribute content to engaged followers. We can keep in touch with readers, potential customers and drive traffic to our websites.

The challenge here is how to get more followers?

Here 30 experts share their best strategies. Read More
All new for 2017, MarTech Today’s B2B Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide is the source for the latest trends, opportunities and challenges facing the market for marketing automation tools. Read More
Online scams have been increasing everyday costing millions of dollars to small business. These tips can help you protect your business from prying eyes. Read More
Social media has come a long way since Facebook burst onto the scene. While having a large number of followers used to be the goal it’s more complicated than that now. Engagement is the new metric that you should be striving for. Read More
Preparing to pitch your business to investors? It’s just as important to pitch your business to friends, family, and the community around you. Read More
By addressing these five areas of your e-commerce website, you should find your conversion rate increases, along with your profits. Read More
David James from Business Growth Digital Marketing talks about some unlikely methods for conversion rate optimization. Discover how he lowered his bounce rate and increased his conversions with several tweaks to his sites. Read More
This is one of the lead questions asked in behavioural interviews. Usually asked to throw the candidate off-guard. Daily routine of a person is a mirror of that person’s personality. It shows how much he/she is ready to face the world. One’s daily routine shows how much the person values discipline Read More
While the #BookMarketingChat community are authors, and our chat was focused on how authors can use a blog and blogging techniques, I think every blogger and business, regardless of niche, would have gotten value from the chat! Read More

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