MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Interpersonal skills are those which help a person communicate well. As the name says interpersonal, it means when the communication takes place between two individuals, then the communication is said to be interpersonal. The communication can take place in any form like verbally, non verbally, thr Read More
In those states allowing recreational marijuana use (including the four that passed legislation this past November), existing medical cannabis dispensaries as well as new market entrants may plan to serve both recreational and medical cannabis users to reach the broadest base of consumers and drive Read More
If you’re not selling directly to a consumer, it can be tough to figure out how best to market your business. That’s why we asked 12 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) the following question: What are some strategies a founder can implement to make their B2B company more approachab Read More
Think of all those times you’ve needed some extra cash to make it through the month. Maybe you’re hoping to earn extra money but you have an unconventional schedule (or a newborn). Wouldn’t it be great to find ways to make money on the side that fit with your schedule? Read More
Need business ideas to turn into reality in 2017? Idea Jab tabletop card game gamifies the creative process of discovering business ideas. Read More
Co-blogger Gina Badalaty’s interview with influencer Claudia Krusch in June brought up some interesting points on sponsored post pitching and pricing – and on the importance media kits play in this game.

The most important takeaway from her piece: Media kits are like your business card or elevat Read More
Co-blogger Gina Badalaty’s interview with influencer Claudia Krusch in June brought up some interesting points on sponsored post pitching and pricing – and on the importance media kits play in this game.

The most important takeaway from her piece: Media kits are like your business card or elevat Read More
Whether you’re planning to email a top influencer about a collaboration idea or thinking of sending a pitch email to an Angel investor, there’s one important thing you have to keep in mind and that is: these people are very wise on how they spend their time.

So how do you make them read and repl Read More
One of the reasons why your target blog audience don't read your blog is because it doesn't look professional and trustworthy. Presentation is vital and to rectify this problem you want to use a visual editing tool that's going to make your site trustworthy and give each visitor a great user experi Read More
The unfortunate truth is that a lot of us really suck at graphic design, especially when it comes to creating engaging social media images. Read More

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