MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A good looking business app might not be what your customer is looking for. Here are 4 things you should know to develop a successful & useful business app. Read More
The mobile app development industry is flourishing and continuing to evolve year after year. Today, web search, social forums, review sites and social platforms are fundamentally changing buyers’ research habits. As a result, leveraging various mediums and strategies is a ‘must’ for all businesses Read More
The only way to make your brand memorable is to provide consumers exactly what they want and needs. Getting there, however, is a complex and difficult process. Read More
Lower crude oil prices globally contributed to U.S. average retail regular gasoline prices averaging $2.18 per gallon in November. However, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) now forecasts Brent crude oil prices to average $43 per barrel in 2016 and $52 per barrel in 2017.
For small Read More
Look in any refrigerator around the country and you’ll probably see a lot of different labels that indicate expiration dates. But “best by,” “use by” and “sell by” don’t all mean the same thing. And that can get a bit confusing for consumers, many of whom end up wasting a lot of food that’s not act Read More
This article serves as a comprehensive guide to writing a job description designed to attract the most qualified candidates. It discusses the benefits a well-written job description can provide and contains advice on what to include in a job description, the language and tone to use when writing th Read More
Transitioning from military life to that of a private citizen, let alone becoming an entrepreneur, is far from easy. Many veterans struggle with the lack of discipline, focus and teamwork found in many businesses.

Today's story shows us just such a veteran, David Gibson, who found the orderly pr Read More
This week's post highlights the nuts and bolts of Buffer's drip email campaigns. What are they doing well? Are they missing the mark anywhere? Join Elna Cain for an in-depth look into the social scheduling app's email nurturing campaigns. Read More

Meeting Customer Expectations Through Social Media

Avatar Posted by davidlowbridge under Social Media
From 2834 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on December 22, 2016 7:54 pm
Are you using social media just for marketing and sales? Why not consider using it for customer service too. We give the reasons why this is important in this quick post. Read More
CTA buttons are the lifeblood of any sales funnel. Here's 5 solid tips to drive more clicks out of your CTA buttons. Read More

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