MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

GPS tracker has numerous uses to help businesses reduce operating costs and increase revenue. Here are 6 ways in which GPS can help your business. Read More

5 Things It’s OK Not to Be Thankful for This Year

Avatar Posted by ShannonW under Self-Development
From 2860 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on November 26, 2016 3:03 am
At a time of year when everyone is giving thanks for every little thing, sometimes it's nice to think about all the Fs you just don't give too. Read More

40 FREE resources and tools for Home and Small Business owners

Avatar Posted by tonyp21 under Resources
From 2860 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on November 26, 2016 3:10 am
These FREE resources and tools stem from open source and free software products that I have either used or still use, or were products I tested but found not suitable for my needs Read More

10 Keys To Open Leadership While Maintaining Control

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2860 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on November 26, 2016 3:14 am
The pervasiveness of social networking and the Internet has caused a new focus and value on “openness,” which leads to a new element of leadership, called “Open Leadership.” The mantra of open leadership is “Be Open, Be Transparent, and Be Authentic.” This is counter to the traditional business pre Read More
Small and medium business owners are rushing to spend their budget for purchasing drones. Let us examine the potential benefits drone technology can offer SMEs. Read More
Instead of making cuts on your Hotel rates, consider introducing a few free products for your clients. How Hotels Can Add Value to Guest with Venue Coupons. Read More
According to a recent study from SurveyMonkey available through Salsify, fully 94% of customers will abandon a site if they can’t find the information they need to make an informed purchase. And 88% of shoppers said that product content plays an extremely or very important role in their purchase. Read More
These days, “sales” is perceived as a negative five-letter word. Sales has gotten a bad rep. When you hear the ... Read More
If your business want to create a mobile app then here’s the top challenges businesses face when venturing in the mobile app world.
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There are certain type of career aspirations which makes people happy to declare it as a professional, but most of those professional area of work seem a bit dangerous for a living. It may seem very normal to people that others are doing that dangerous job. Some of the most dangerous career options Read More

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