MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

5 Holiday Shopping Trends to Plan for NOW

Avatar Posted by Caron_Beesley under Marketing
From 2958 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on August 18, 2016 2:41 pm
The holiday shopping season may be a few months away, but it’s never too early to start planning your 2016 holiday marketing. To maximize your success, we’ve done some of the digging for you. Here are five holiday season shopping trends that you need to be aware of as and how you can capitalize on Read More

Management Skills: Continuous Improvement

Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Self-Development
From 2958 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on August 19, 2016 7:15 am
Continuous improvement is about striving always to make things better.
Every day, strive to make things just a little better, than they currently are. Continuous improvement is the idea that giant improvements are the sum of many small improvements. Read More
Are you someone who believes that the law of attraction will leave you alone as long as you ignore it? The problem with that it's that's just impossible... see why you shouldn't ignore the LOA. Read More
Apple releases iOS 10 beta 6 update for developers. You can download iOS 10 beta for your iPhone and iPad devices using our iOS 10 beta 6 download service Read More
This is a post about the wonders of website popups but also how, when used inconsiderately, they can kill of future sales and customer loyalty. Read More
There are many factors that contribute to the success of a retail store. In this blog installment I’ll be discussing specific marketing strategies and tactics that could be employed to help build awareness, increase foot traffic and/or repeat business. For the purpose of staying focused, we’re goin Read More
Find out what a winning content marketing strategy has in common with your favorite football team. To find out the answer, check out today’s Mojo video for a key insight from my new book, The Content Marketing Coach: Everything You Need to Get in the Game … and WIN! Read More
Here I was, into my sixth year as an entrepreneur (and 5 months pregnant!) with an undergraduate degree from Parsons, in Design and Management, having founded, built and acquired 2 companies (1000 Angels- top tier startup investing platform, CoFoundersLab- a platform to build early stage teams) won Read More
Here I was, into my sixth year as an entrepreneur (and 5 months pregnant!) with an undergraduate degree from Parsons, in Design and Management, having founded, built and acquired 2 companies (1000 Angels- top tier startup investing platform, CoFoundersLab- a platform to build early stage teams) won Read More
Do you ever feel that there has to be more?

Or, that your business is for some reason leaving you unfulfilled?

Or, that no matter how much work and time you put into your business it just doesn't feel right and you can't put your finger on it.

Discover how to go from unfulfilled and disap Read More

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