MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Do you ever feel that there has to be more?

Or, that your business is for some reason leaving you unfulfilled?

Or, that no matter how much work and time you put into your business it just doesn't feel right and you can't put your finger on it.

Discover how to go from unfulfilled and disap Read More
If your grey matter is having trouble keeping track of all your tasks it may be time to consider a cross platform task management app.
Todoist is one such polished app, covering 12 platforms including native apps for Windows IOS and Android. Here's how it can help you keep on top of your tasks. Read More
During human communication seminars you often hear that whenever you are communicating with someone they pay attention to 7% of your words, 38% on the tone of your voice and 55% on your body language. While these factors are important, I believe that visual representation in disseminating informati Read More
If you are in the process of setting up a new business or perhaps you have been running your own business for some time, Craig Johnson’s FREE webinar: How to Make Sense of the Numbers that Matter Most, should make deciphering the numbers related to your business a little bit more straight –forward. Read More
Facebook ads. Twitter ads. Banner ads. LinkedIn ads. Instagram ads. The list could go on and on. But one type of advertising option that’s often not talked about?

Advertising in email.

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Customers are the life-blood of any successful business.

For some businesses, losing a single customer could spell the end for them.

And, it could lead to huge layoffs too.

It takes hard work, perseverance and patience to win a customer.

Keeping that customer is even harder!

Last wee Read More
Maybe a tough question when you ask someone who doesn’t have a clue what QR codes are…but now that you know that, the question has gotten a lot simpler to think about and answer huh? QR codes can be used for anything conventional bar codes are Read More
19 Google tools designed to save bloggers and marketers time and increase their website visibility are described. 18 of the tools are free. Read More
19 Google tools designed to save bloggers and marketers time and increase their website visibility are described. 18 of the tools are free. Read More
As a startup investor in this age of the entrepreneur, I see many more startups, but innovation is still hard to find. The most common proposals I hear are for yet another social networking site (over 200 active), or another dating site (over 2500 in the US alone). Startups which display real innov Read More

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