MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The purpose of email marketing is to address the right kind of people. It means, you first need to recognize their buying habits, interests, preferences, and demographics, so you can buy email addresses. Read More
Or how two people I hadn’t seen for 35 years awarded me their business within 24 hours of each other. Read More
In an article for Forbes, Leadership HQ founder Mark Murphy says there is no point in giving a speech or presentation if no one remembers it. Read More
Behind the word ‘lead’ and ‘prospect’ is a person and this seems to get forgotten about by enthusiastic sales reps who are so determined to understand the quality of their fresh lead they can't help but ask the 5 questions in this post that are failing to get the relationship off on the right foot. Read More
Should your startup be an LLC or Corporation? Nellie Akalp of shares her thoughts in this post on Mashable Read More

How to Brand Your Business

Avatar Posted by Nellie Akalp under Marketing
From 3145 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on February 12, 2016 9:59 am
Understanding the basics of branding can help you take your small business further. In this post, Rieva Lesonsky provides easy branding tips on the blog Read More
In this #TYBCommunity round-up we include posts about funnel marketing, B2B marketing strategies, writing copy, social media and PR, small business accounting, productivity hacks, avoiding stress in the workplace, SEO strategy, how to be happier and stopping procrastination. Read More
In this #TYBCommunity round-up we include posts about funnel marketing, B2B marketing strategies, writing copy, social media and PR, small business accounting, productivity hacks, avoiding stress in the workplace, SEO strategy, how to be happier and stopping procrastination. Read More
Beating out your competitors in the AdWords bidding war that happens 40,000 times every second isn’t easy.

Here are some different strategies you can use to beat out your competitors

- Manual Cost Per Click (CPC)
- Automatic Cost Per Click (CPC)
- Enhanced Cost Per Click (CPC)
- CPA Biddin Read More
With information at our fingertips, it’s always easy to scour the internet for the cheapest option.

That doesn’t mean brand loyalty is dead. It does mean that in order to create brand advocates that come back and repurchase from your business, you have to show the real story behind the brand the Read More

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