MasterMinuteman voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What happens when you follow so-called content marketing best practices that aren't best practices at all?

You know, it affects your strategy and could even backfire real bad.

Find the top 3 content marketing best practices which are plainly myth in this latest article.

Tell me what you th Read More
Microsoft’s move to open source is a huge deal, especially as it will likely get the attention of developers. Read More
For many nonprofits, the holidays are when they receive the bulk of their donations for the year, and email marketing is one of the main drivers of giving. So, to help you excel at fundraising this holiday season, here are some tips for email marketing: Read More
One of the first harsh realities that every entrepreneur has to learn is that most of the things that are critical to startup success are outside of their direct control. Just because you dream it and build it, doesn’t mean they will come – that encompasses not only customers, but also investors, p Read More
What do your colours say about your brand? logikalcode has outlined a few of the key feelings associated with some of the most popular colours, so you can see if the ones you have chosen are working for you. And if you’re just starting to brand your business, you might find your colour inspiration! Read More
How do you become successful with your outsourcing? Here are three helpful tips to guarantee that outsourcing will benefit your organization. Read More

How To Encourage Creativity in Your Business

How To Encourage Creativity in Your Business  - Avatar Posted by PASjonathan under Employee Benefits
From 3519 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on November 27, 2014 12:57 am
other than tossing a new coat of paint on the wall, how do you go about designing the kind of workspace that gets the creative juices flowing? Leerom Segal, CEO of Klick Health, has 5 tips and we’ve added a few of our own...
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Grace Choi, a Harvard business graduate, is hoping to revolutionize the makeup industry with her new product: a 3D printer that can turn any photo into wearable makeup. Read More
Big Data enables to check, control & know everything. Big Data ethics entails an obligation to act on behalf of and to protect the customer and the privacy. Read More
@SimonCocking I'm not a massive boat person, but with the advent of cameras on more and more vehicles / machines / boats, it creates the opportunity to see views from around the world that we wouldn't have seen so easily otherwise. Mearsk the shipping line is putting up some great images on their f Read More

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