MyCorporation voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Has your reputation taking a hit like? What LeBron James can teach us about cleaning up your act and getting back into the good graces of your fans! Read More
When is the best time to trademark your company name? Nellie Akalp, CEO of, shares trademark tips in this post on Small Business Trends. Read More
Bring a working parent with children out on summer vacation can be a challenge. Nellie Akalp, CEO of and mom of four discusses how to survive the summer in this post on The Mogul Mom. Read More
Many businesses want to bring on interns, but aren't sure how to go about the process. Nellie Akalp, CEO of, shares how to run a successful internship program in this post on Mashable. Read More
Does your business website really need a Terms and Conditions page? It is not required, but definitely useful! Nellie Akalp, CEO of, shared more details in this post on the Freshbooks blog. Read More
Looking to engage your target market? These 10 types of content are guaranteed to spark conversation. Read More
Knowing you need help in your small business is the first step. Next, you need to figure out exactly what kind of help you need. Read More
Running a business is not always what we think it ought to be. It's not always fun, and there's a lot of work we have to do that we don't like doing. What do you do about that? Read More
Why You Need A Human Element for Your Online Efforts By Jamie Turner - See what author Jamie Turner has to say about Why You Need A Human Element for Your Read More
By Eric Haskell

I am sure you know that ‘Content is King’. But how does one manage, edit and add to their site’s content? The solution is simple! There are many content application platforms out there to integrate and have developed into your website. Yes, I am talking about a Content Management Read More

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