RJohnson4444 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are a myriad of reasons why solutions to problems aren’t implemented. For instance, a business may not have the resources such as money or labor to implement the solution. However in most instances, it’s not a lack of resources that is the barrier, but rather it’s the lack of clarity and conviction where people get tripped up. Read More
I believe the toughest race for business leaders is to understand how to best lead through transitions. To lead through transitions effectively, one needs to... Read More
These are a few of the questions every business needs to ask today to better position themselves for future opportunities or risk. Here are a just a few I'm beginning to ask. Read More
The lesson is quite simple. If a prize is awarded and no one understands why they received it, especially the receiver of the award, you have a problem. Therefore before a prize is awarded, it should meet certain criteria. Read More
Have you ever pondered the consequences of “too” in a conversation. The simple word that is commonly misrepresented (i.e. to, two) is possibly one of the most defining words in the english language. Read More
As a child, I was afraid of the boogeyman, a make believe character often used to make children behave. Well I'm wondering, are you afraid of the whistleblower? If you're a business leader and you aren't, you should be. Read More
The whistleblowers role of exposing silent problems in organizations will grow in importance in the future. How organizations guard against this risk is critically important. Read More

The Problem With Under Promising and Over Delivering

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5418 days ago
Made Hot by: aliciatrinidad on September 25, 2009 12:43 pm
Just about everyday we hear or read that we should always under promise and over deliver with our customers. Whilst we need to delight our customers and strengthen our relationships, there are pitfalls that you may not be aware of. Read More
Silent problems destroy companies! ADM's missteps in how they handled silent problems in the 90s should be a lesson to everyone and what can happen if they aren't dealt with proactively, and eventually escape. Read More

95 Percent Of Clicks Fraudulent

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Online Marketing
From http://www.mediapost.com 5422 days ago
Made Hot by: andynew on September 21, 2009 6:14 pm
Data released in a study conducted in July reveals that more than half of ad impressions and 95% of clicks in online ad buys were fraudulent. Click fraud continues to plague online advertising, but many just want to sweep it under the rug. Radar Research managing partner Marissa Gluck calls it "the dirty little secret of the online ad industry th Read More

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