Rbacal voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Do you view your competitors as companies over which you need to triumph? If so you are probably missing out on a key strategy for competing with large companies and corporations, AND a way to market that has virtually no direct cost: Cross and Co-Marketing. Read More
Competing with the “big boys” on the basis of “out experting” them is a cost free or minimal cost NECESSITY in a world that is so complex that its impossible to navigate the available options on one’s own. Provide that expertise, and establish TRUST and you will be amazed how the long term value of Read More
Running a solo business is very different from running a business with very few employees, which is also different from running a business with more than ten employees. These three "phases" require different skills and psychological orientations. Read about them here. Read More
De-escalation of a difficult situation is vital, in order to avoid it becoming a crisis or conflict. Take a look at these de-escalation techniques you should master that will allow you to take control of a situation and defuse a potential conflict. Read More
Many people want to start their own businesses but, what KIND of business is the obvious question.

Answering that isn't always simple, and there's a tendency to look at businesses that are EASY to start, rather than businesses that best suit the skills and ability of the startup owner. Read more Read More
Avoid spreading yourself too thinly over social media with this quick guide. I know it sounds simple, but this is the number one mistake I see small businesses and entrepreneurs make. Learn to focus on platforms that resonate best with your target audience and build consistent, quality posts. Read More
A regular stream of content is needed if you want to really grow your online presence. But many people do not like blogging and the slog of having to spend several hours writing out a single piece of content.

In this video, I show you some creating content ideas that do not involve having to wri Read More
If you are thinking about email marketing, spend some time preparing. This can be a big, profitable move for your business. But like all good business strategies, should be approached with measured steps and a clear head. Read More

What kind of Tools SEO Experts Use? (Lion Zeal Interviews)

Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Online Marketing
From https://www.safeoutreach.com 2145 days ago
Made Hot by: VivianGuttman on September 12, 2018 6:03 am
Systems. That’s the only reason why these guys can manage their business without hassling a lot.

They use different kind of SEO tools that save them a lot of o time and lets them to focus on the most important part: Generating New Clients
Read More

Big Mistakes Made by Failed Startups

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Startups
From https://www.noobpreneur.com 2146 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on September 13, 2018 8:22 am
Now there are more startups starting up from ever because of population and economic issues compared to a few years ago.

Here is 4 big mistakes that failed startups make, which are easily avoided. Read More

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