SEORabbit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The modern world has seen many people choose sales and/or marketing as a career. Some have the perception that they will command a strong salary, while others choose it as it is the best platform for meeting new people. For the right person, it’s the best job in the world. Read More
Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is probably the biggest issue on the web entering 2012. There are more cloud companies against SOPA. Read More
Your new business is like your baby, and nobody loves it or knows it better than you. By writing your own business plan, you're not only conveying your vision the way only you know it, but you're also taking the opportunity to view your new prospective company from a holistic standpoint. Read More
While you don’t need to insure against everything, there are a few insurance policies that you should have. Recognize which insurance policies are the most essential to protecting yourself, and find a way to incorporate them into your budget. Read More
A few years ago, when my husband and I went to buy a house, we were required to have an income audit. Here's how we selected an accountant to help us -- the same accountant we still use. Read More
Networking is an effective way to connect with prospects. Unfortunately, sales people and small business owners make mistakes that cost them money. Avoid these networking mistakes to build successful business relationships. Read More

Small business owners and vacation: An oxymoron?

Avatar Posted by Geoff under Management
From 4603 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on December 21, 2011 12:12 am
For small business owners, a vacation is easier said than done. Plus some don't even want it. But with some planning and compromise it can be done. Read More
Okay it’s time to finally begin to wrap-up our Online Marketing Program and what better way is there than to capture all of the metrics and analytics in one big bucket….so that we can “judge” how we’re doing, right? Right…and that task alone can be daunting, eh!

Once you have the basics “in han Read More
How do you inspire innovation in your business? Having an open mind does means being available for new, out of the box ideas, as well as being willing to try new things. Read this to learn how to engage your team or yourself and create new ideas in your business. Read More
Time to get your gratitude on! Taking the time to reflect on and appreciate your journey is a powerful practice for any small business owner. While being focused on your goals is important, this little meditation helps to bring about a positive mind-shift that honours exactly where you are right no Read More

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