SaadAhmadkhan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Whenever possible, it's a good practice to base your social media choices on data. And to help you out the good folks at leveragenewagemedia created a handy infographic, which gives a clear picture of the key stats for Facebook, GooglePlus, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest, and how to bes Read More
Whether there is any real value for brands to run competitions on social media. To separate facts from assumptions, TAMBA conducted an online survey amongst 896 people who have regularly enter competitions. ‘The assumption some promoters make that people who enter competitions regularly are not pot Read More
Kevin Sheridan, an expert on managing virtual employees and author of “The Virtual Manager,” says the biggest problem in managing remote workers is trust. Tips on how to best manage employees in far-flung locations. Read More

7 Ways To Use Your Blog To Get Your Dream Job

7 Ways To Use Your Blog To Get Your Dream Job - Avatar Posted by ivanasmia under Online Marketing
From 3711 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on May 11, 2014 5:38 am
Blogging can be a great way to showcase your knowledge about something, learn new tricks or hobbies, or even just have a little bit of fun. Read More

3 Things You Should Do Again – Sales eXecution 250

3 Things You Should Do Again – Sales eXecution 250 - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 3711 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on May 6, 2014 12:25 am
They always say it is the small things that make a difference, which is good especially when your product is not that different. Going back to basics can be the differentiating factor. Read More
If you are already using a CRM software or are evaluating different CRM solutions, you might be wondering one of two things:

Why has the integration with LinkedIn disappeared from my CRM application?

Why don’t the CRM solutions I am considering offer integration with LinkedIn (with only two e Read More
Soft skills training is a whole range of specific communication skills one must have if you wish to operate well in an organisation made up of many different personalities.

Soft skills' training is contrasted to "hard skills" which are more technical in nature and may be required by law.

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14 tools that can make an entrepreneurs life easier. Check out the infographic below, little information of every tool is attached, you can see if the tool is free and what is great about each tool! Read More
One of the most desired audiences for marketers are luxury shoppers, characterized by their disposable incomes and comfortable lifestyles. But who are these people, where are they and how can they reached? Read More
Many budding entrepreneurs think that a successful tech startup is all dependent on a great idea. That may be true, but the idea is only the beginning. Think of it like the path to winning the World Series. You will go through a long rigorous journey getting there. There will be ascending levels Read More

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