SalesBlogcast voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Who is LinkedIn listening to for new ideas? I am still scratching my head over the decision to add subgroups. I think there are so many other group management tools that need to be added before a subgroup option becomes valuable. Here is my list of 6 ways to improve LinkedIn groups! Read More
Selling to executives is not always easy, but is straight forward and rewarding in a number of ways beyond just revenue. Read More
This is a collection of Tweets (posts I put out on twitter via @shanegibson) from the past couple of weeks . They are social media tips under 140 characters in length. (last weeks social media tips can be found here) Some of these tips have been passed on dozens of times but I wanted to make sure they stayed permanently available by posting the Read More
Every can and should help their economic circle, or the price. Read More
In 24 hours (give or take), much of the United States will be on a holiday weekend. It might be tempting to lay low and start the holiday early, like maybe right now. But Read More
Sales 2.0 is getting tons of buzz right now in the technology market. There are lots of different definitions out there, but here's mine: Sales 2.0 is an outcome not an event. The process requires you to transform your business from one that is focused on selling to one that is focused on letting the market buy from you. Sales 2.0 requires a Read More
While RFP's and tenders continue to grow, sales people are getting more creative in dealing with them Here is you chance to show your stuff and tell the world how you sell rather than just submit. Read More
Steven Bachert wants you to do something that, at first blush, may surprise you: he wants you to stop “handling” objections. How can you do that and still succeed as a salesperson? Listen to this week's episode of the Sales Management 2.0 podcast to find out... Read More
They're having a bad day. Or they're rushed. Or they're just naturally pissy people. If you work in sales, you've met them before. They're pissy prospects. Read More
Twitter looks like a foreign language and Facebook intimidates you with its features. You signed up for these social networking sites but you are stumped — how can these sites actually help your company? Social networking sites are easy to navigate, yet they look confusing to new account users. The following tricks will take the mystery out of Read More

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