SalesBlogcast voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article titled, “Stop Selling Like You're Walking On Egg Shells!” As usual, I received a number of great comments from readers. Among those comments came one in particular that really stood out. It said— Read More
A whimsical look at people, their actions, thought lines and, interesting their choices. Their actions and words at times helps to confirm some basics about sales, and at times leaves you looking for reasons as to why they act as they did to begin with. Read More
Do you notice any of these trends? What can be done about them? Read More
This is some very helpful stuff for males who wear pants and sell. Some females may find it helpful, too. Read More
I received this list in my email the other day and busted out laughing with each comment I read. I guess it's funny as long as my manager isn't saying these things about me. I knew immediately that I had to share it with all of my readers! Read More
I loved playing baseball as a kid. I'd take my book about pitching outside with me and pitch for endless hours to my younger brother (probably my earliest experiencing in selling was learning how to "sell" my brother on being catcher to my pitches even after he wanted to quit). Read More
Terri Levine wants sales people to learn something: how to be more human! In this episode of the Sales Management 2.0 Podcast, Terri discusses her new book, "Sell Without Selling" and what it means for salespeople in a sales 2.0 world. Read More

12 Reasons Why International Selling Is Harder

12 Reasons Why International Selling Is Harder - Avatar Posted by CindyKing under Sales
From 5358 days ago
Made Hot by: SkipAnderson on November 10, 2009 3:23 pm
International selling is harder than selling to clients in your own country. Here are 12 reasons why international salespeople have a more difficult task selling to different cultures. Read More
November is the beginning of dining table season. Dining table customers will be visiting furniture stores to select a new table and chairs. As families' plans solidify for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day (and other holidays, too), some start dreaming if a Read More
A basic foundation to sales success is knowing and working on you key conversion rates. Once you have that working for you, you can then build on it and unleash the sales artist in you. Read More

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