SalesBlogcast voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Not everyone can bring an unconventional view to sales, but for those who can think differently, see things differently, not only are there more rewards, but more fun executing the sale. Read More
Sales people need to embrace the power of 'nothing', instead of jumping to answer everything, they need to consider if 'nothing' would be a better alternative! Read More
Prospects can smell desperation 10 miles away, and it causes them to run the other way. So how can you avoid despeartion in your sales process? Simple: ask yourself "Why?" Read More
What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing when you are cold calling and prospecting over the phone? Starting RIGHT NOW, I'm running a contest to help YOU improve your cold calling strategies and tactics! Read More
When customers succeed at prematurely ending the sales interaction, the result is no sales. To change the results, increase your Read More
Is sales training something a VP of Sales should deliver personally, be part of his strategic outlook to be delivered by another resource (either internal or external)? Read More

Recession Recovery: 'VW' Ride Coming?

Recession Recovery: 'VW' Ride Coming? - Avatar Posted by TonyJohnston_CNi under Management
From 5395 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on September 28, 2009 9:42 pm
What kind of recovery should we expect now from the Great Recession? This is a key business question of interest to business leaders everywhere. What do you think? To find out what one group of senior business leaders and consultants thought as of September 22, 2009, read this article. Read More
Feeling stalled out and overwhelmed by all the little tasks that need to be done but that you hate doing? Too many distractions disguised as work killing your motivation? There's a simple answer for the entrepreneur: learn to delegate! Read More
This is primarily a sales training issue, but once trained, it becomes a sales management and coaching issue. Read More
No matter what the conditions, a company can't shrink it's way to success, nor can a seller succeed with a shrinking pipeline. Read More

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