SalesBlogcast voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Everyone seemed to be back at work the day after Labour Day, except sales, why? Read More
Every sales leader needs to consider their market value. Read More

When Customers Light Up

When Customers Light Up - Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From 5410 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on September 10, 2009 12:38 pm
What a great by-product of customer engagement! Read More
Is sales training an all or none proposition, that is should companies provide the same training for the entire team, or be selective with their investment and only invest in those that offer a reasonable chance at returns? Read More
Sales professionals should emulate great doctors. We need to understand the customer's real problems, needs, goals, before we prescribe solutions. Diagnosing before solving improves the value we bring to customers. Read More
The time for the harvest has come, in sales now is the time to push forward and close the year strong. Read More
Would other professions report the way they learned their jobs was through trial and error? Read More
Formal employee performance reviews are important for all employees, even commission-paid sales representatives. But can a salesperson really exceed expectations? Read More
Having consensus that you have things under control may feel good, but it does not take away the fact when you look at your pipeline, there is nothing there. Read More
The great thing about selling jewelry in a retail location is you've got lots of beautiful pieces in your store to show your customers. The bad thing about selling jewelry in a retail location is you've got lots of beautiful pieces in your store that distracts you from your customer. Read More

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