SalesBlogcast voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I've worked for bosses who hold polar opposite views on the issue of whether or not a manager should apologize. One believes that a manager should never apologize to their employees. The other makes it a practice to apologize regularly for wrongdoings. During the last few months... Read More

Recession Cures: What & What Not to Do

Recession Cures: What & What Not to Do - Avatar Posted by TonyJohnston_CNi under Management
From 5422 days ago
Made Hot by: ShirgieFulgencio on September 4, 2009 3:16 am
Do you know what the majority of business owners have as their preferred recession fighting response? Learn what it is along with what and what not to do. Businesses will be much better off for it—. Read More
Customers love us one minute and hate us the next. Yet, we might be adding to the fickle nature of customers by doing things that bug them. Read More
Asking what is after CRM, assumes we have had success with CRM, or that it is time to sweep it under the rug and start a new. Read More
Recently we told the story of Trevor and his dilemma, today we present the suggestions our blog readers made for resolution, and now it is your turn to vote for the one you think is best so they can earn their prize. Read More
19 Social Media Tips Under 140 Characters Here are a selection of Tweets (Twitter Updates) I recently shared on Twitter (via @shanegibson). I've put them all in one place as a brief social media tip digest. Social Media Tips: 1. Unique, brief sound bytes produced consistently can yield great results. 2. Once in a while ask your FB an Read More
If you want to be influential with your prospects and maximize your sales results, spend your time and energy where it will have the most impact. Read More
Don't spend a cent of training unless you have a plan to sustain your investment. Read More
Check out this video. Although I've watched it many times, I never get tired of it. Following the video, you'll find a list of favorite one liners that I've picked out for emphasis... What are the things that you need to take hold of— things that by giving your very best— will change your life? Read More

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