ScottDudley voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you have an iPhone, you will probably relate to this email. Last week I became aware that Apple had released their new IOS 7 software update for iPhones. Read More
Recently I finished reading Neil Strauss's fascinating book, "The Game". This is a story about a shy, introverted writer who decides to pay to learn from a group of PUA's (pick up artists). Read More
Unfortunately, you see it a lot.... An inexperienced online Marketer creates a new information product. And they are convinced their product is going to sell like hotcakes Read More
So today's email is all about common sense. But it's still worth reminding you that in a lot of cases common sense is not all that common. Read More
Remember the Matrix movie released in 1999? I'm sure most of you have seen it... There is a scene in particular where Morpheus is teaching Neo with a training program. Read More
What's the best way to ensure you get done a task properly every time? In my opinion it is to use a simple checklist of all the required elements to complete something to a required standard. Read More
I came across an intriguing phrase the other day. Apparently there is such a thing as premature articulation. A definition is given as: Premature Articulation is the act of speaking/bragging too soon before all the facts are in, the game is over, etc. Read More
I watched the movie Blade the other day. The movie stars Wesley Snipes as Blade, who is a human-vampire hybrid who protects humans from vampires. Read More
Picture a large, healthy gum tree with large branches and leaves blowing around in the wind. Many years ago this tree started as just a seed that was planted in the ground. Read More

Your Funnel Should Be A Horn Of Plenty

Your Funnel Should Be A Horn Of Plenty - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 3933 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on September 20, 2013 11:40 am
Starting from a position of plenty gives you choice in how you succeed and win in sales. Quality yes, but quantity is good too. Read More

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