SellBetter voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It is actually good business practice for a busy entrepreneur to take some time, ideally every day, to relax and do something that has nothing to do with business. Read More

Going Beyond the Usual Probing Questions

Going Beyond the Usual Probing Questions - Avatar Posted by WillFultz under Sales
From 5496 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 16, 2009 11:53 am
Your time in front of a prospective customer is extremely valuable. The hardest part of the sales process can sometimes be just getting quality time in front of the prospect to ask questions. When you get to this point, you definitely want to make the most of your opportunity. You never know, this might be your only chance to advance the sale. Read More
Who should lead the training of sales managers: Sales, HR Both? Read More
Which have you chosen? Fight? Or Flight? Read More

The Challenge of Defeat | Journal of A Sales Professional

The Challenge of Defeat | Journal of A Sales Professional - Avatar Posted by stevenzmartinez under Sales
From 5499 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 14, 2009 11:17 am
How do you handle defeat? Do you learn and modify your strategies? If you don't, you will repeat the same problems without a resolution. Read More
The article discusses America's national debt issues, policy makers and politicians, and why a higher interest rate is necessary for Dollar strength and a recovery. Read More
The easiest limits to over come are the ones reps and companies place on themselves. Read More
With a little bit of cartoon doodling to illustrate the point, one of the issues in sales forecasting is the vicious cycle generated by managers and sales execs over forecast accuracy. Sort of like cat and mouse sales activity. Read More
Today, “Made is China” is still regarded as a place where low manufacturing and labor costs exist. It remains a low risk country from which to transact business and send business executives to. However, it is losing its low risk moniker when it comes to quality. And this is the Silent Problem that is beginning to face importers in the eye. Read More

Coaching Mistake #1 — “Telling vs. Asking Coaching”

Coaching Mistake #1 — “Telling vs. Asking Coaching” - Avatar Posted by starresults under Management
From 5499 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 14, 2009 11:16 am
Do you want to drive sales performance? Transforming your sales managers from good to great coaches can have a dramatic impact on sales. Read More

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