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6 Errors To Avoid When Starting An Online Business

Avatar Posted by hishaman under Marketing
From 4960 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on December 30, 2010 5:44 pm
My online business has experienced several ups and downs over the past couple of years and as we wind down to the end of 2010 I thought it would be a good idea to analyze the main errors I made in efforts to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes as well as to gauge if I truly did learn anything. Read More
Did Jimi Hendrix sing "Kiss the sky" or "Kiss this guy?" Did Manfred Mann really sing "Wrapped up like a douche?"

In Business, it's no different. Message is ESSENTIAL! Say what you mean and mean what you say! Read More
Can you guess what percentage of Rolls-Royces produced since 1906 are still on the road? The answer will blow you away!

Quality is not just about half-million dollar cars. It's something we must strive for in every business deal! Read More
The Pros and Cons of becoming a Business Freelancer.

A Reality-Check from me and my new Ferrari! Read More
Yes, even a pimp has a business plan. A"colorful" business plan. Read it (if you can) from the image. Raw, crude...and yet the fundamentals are not all that different from any other business plan. Read More
Restaurant owners have had a challenging few years. Are things looking up for 2011? Foodservice research and consulting firm Technomic recently released its 11 top trends for the coming year.
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From individuals to BUSINESSES, it's PC gone awry!

Whether you are just celebrating or whether your are SELLING, stop walking on eggshells and start calling it Christmas! Read More
Unfortunately as with all good things in the world reaping the fruits of your labour is easier said than done. In the following article I would like to give you a few self-improvement tips that seem to be neglected by many. Utilizing them can be of a good use in the long journey of becoming success Read More
Branding a Product and Choosing a Name can be a complex undertaking. Not taking into account Culture and Language can have far-reaching consequences.

Will the discerning Israeli driver be able to reconcile with driving Nissan's new "COCKROACH?" Read More
For many, blogging is a way of life and for some, blogging a living and the possibility of stopping for a prolonged Christmas break from working on their blog can reduce their standings and their earnings. Read More

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