ShoshFromJobShuk voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Do Not Overlook the Importance of Sub Marketing Activities

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 4931 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on January 27, 2011 4:03 pm
As the marketer of your brand it is essential you know what marketing activities (including what I call sub activities) produce the greatest results and to do it in the most effective way. After all who has time or money to waste? Here are simple tips to track their effectiveness. Read More

How to Achieve Your Financial Goals

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Finance
From 4932 days ago
Made Hot by: PeaceNLove on January 26, 2011 8:05 pm
What are your goals for 2011? When you think about making goals, do you cringe and roll your eyes, or do you get excited to plan for the New Year? Regardless of the degree of your enthusiasm, you're bound to fail if you don't know the right way to set goals and follow through. Read More

Groupon is No Savior For Small Business

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Finance
From 4932 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on January 25, 2011 7:41 pm
Just when I thought the buzz around Google’s failed purchase of Groupon couldn’t get any more absurd, I saw an interview with Groupon's CEO Andrew Mason on Charlie Rose who said, “We are going to be the savior for small business.”

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Genetically speaking they have the same DNA.

So why does one build skyscrapers in Manhattan while the other serves burgers and fries in a small-town American diner? Read More
How to create an effective hotline message that will lead to you making enormous profit in your business in less time. How you structure your voice message is the little-known secret for making big money with you answer machine. There are literally hundreds of ways you could use a hotline in your b Read More
You need motivation to achieve success in business. Granted that technical skills and knowledge play an important role. However, without proper motivation you will not be able to strive ahead. Penned down are the 5 R’s that leaders can use to their full advantage to positively influence their team Read More
Standout brands are distinct, memorable and own their turf. Think about Target (hip, cool and great design), Alfec (the duck icon), and Lady GaGa Read More
John covers in importance of local search to every small business. He explains 5 simple yet effective steps everyone should take. Read More
Should you merge your business's Page and Place on Facebook? The answer is not as easy as you may think. Read More
Lack of confidence in your self, your product, and your startup is a surefire recipe for disaster. At the other extreme, too much confidence or arrogance can kill you just as fast. It’s always painful when a startup fails, but as a mentor to founders, I would hope that you can learn from these fail Read More

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