Theodore1988 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Your Online Store Policy Should Be Welcoming

Your Online Store Policy Should Be Welcoming - Avatar Posted by Marketing_Mashup under Customer Service
From 4033 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on June 18, 2013 9:49 pm
Creating a “Policy” page or series of pages for your online store is extremely important in order to help your customers understand what your business procedures and terms are. There are 4 main areas you should hit upon when drawing up your policy pages, most of them are specific to customers who p Read More
Getting customers by having the right keywords is the most important merchandising initiative according to the 2013 Merchant Survey Results from The E-tailing Group. The survey had 148 respondents among senior executives with responsibility for e-commerce in the US... Read More
Do you have the perfect idea for a product but lack the capital to make it come to life? Then crowdfunding could be just what you need.
It gives you the ability to raise money from a collective group of people who are connected through the internet and want to support your project...
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Startup Advice From 7 Successful Entrepreneurs

Startup Advice From 7 Successful Entrepreneurs  - Avatar Posted by Squawk Media under Startups
From 4033 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on June 17, 2013 3:20 pm
Starting a business can be exhausting, exciting and exhilarating–all at the same time. This is precisely why it’s refreshing to hear words of encouragement from those who have done it before–and succeeded. We spoke with entrepreneurs we admire to cull the single best bit of startup advice they coul Read More

How Your Business Can Benefit from Social Media

How Your Business Can Benefit from Social Media  - Avatar Posted by Squawk Media under Social Media
From 4033 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on June 21, 2013 12:17 pm
These days, any company that uses computers (which are most) is likely to have employees who are familiar with social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and so on. However, this doesn’t mean that every business with computer savvy employees actually utilizes social media to its full potential, Read More
As a blogger, building a mailing list is very important and of course a necessity; you may have heard the saying “The Money is in the List”.
This Post will show you how to build your Mailing List with facebook. So, earlier this week (10-06-2013), I decided to try some new waters and experime Read More

5 Reasons That Shows You Are Also A Lazy Blogger

5 Reasons That Shows You Are Also A Lazy Blogger  - Avatar Posted by babanature under Resources
From 4035 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on June 15, 2013 1:23 pm
Let me be the first to admit that I am also a lazy blogger. Yes! You too are a lazy blogger, because I know that you know deep down in you that there are a lot of things you want … Continue reading → Read More
Ready to start making money online but not sure what sort of business to launch? It's essential, of course, to do your homework. A clever idea is not a wealth-generating idea unless there's a market for your product or service.

But, if you need some inspiration to get you started, here are thr Read More

10 Networking Mistakes You Shouldn't Make

10 Networking Mistakes You Shouldn't Make  - Avatar Posted by thursdayb under Self-Development
From 4037 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on June 14, 2013 12:08 pm
Networking makes landing a job, starting a business, and just about everything else in life a little bit easier — provided you network well. If you connect with people in such a way that you irritate them or show a poor side of yourself, your networking efforts can actually hurt you. Read More
Google announced that it is now including examples of problems in its messaging to webmasters who have been hit with manual webspam penalties. Google’s Matt Cutts actually mentioned it in a Q&A session at SMX Advanced on Tuesday night, but now he has put out a Webmaster Help video discussing it fur Read More

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