ThomasCHolland voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are several reasons to enter into an alliance with another organization. However, be sure to consider these seven questions prior to entering the alliance to make sure that all parties are on the same page. Read More
In a recent Web Cast, I went over The 12 Things I Learned About Twitter where I reviewed the 12 points, and also added 8 more points. Here is the tenth point, Scheduling Tweets. Read More
This article presents several reasons why you would want to foster in-house innovation, as opposed to sourcing it from outside the organization. Read More
Who doesn't love comments? Bloggers live their lives on comments, do blog commenting everyday to attract more traffic and replying to comments in your blog almost everyday. Comments, comments we just can't do without it. Read More
If you look at the cases of successful entrepreneurs, they usually follow similar entrepreneurial principles. I've compiled a list of five key points. Read More
Facebook users will now be able to tag Fan Pages in their photos. Initially, Facebook users will be allowed to tag Pages for Brands & Products as well as People in their Facebook photos with Facebook additionally saying that it is “looking to expand this functionality to more Page categories over t Read More
Sales people and managers tend to be action oriented people. It's no wonder that when we start facing sales performance problems, our natural reaction is to try to do more faster. Not enough qualified opportunities, pump up the number of prospecting phone calls, the number of emails, do more. Not m Read More
Part 2 of the 23 Qualities That Make a Custom Made Business Owner took you through 5 attitudinal aspects of a custom made business owner. Part 3 today will take you through creativity, style and three more aspects of working towards being different Read More
Organizations and corporations all over the world are looking for ways to develop leaders and managers. This ensures a steady supply of top-level leaders and managers. Without such leadership development program in place, organizations will soon die out because of the lack of leaders that ensues.Con... Read More

Stay Focused: Decide What Is Important

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Strategy
From 4821 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on May 16, 2011 5:40 pm
Horizons of Focus is an excellent tool for enabling you to look at your life from different perspectives and as a guide for focusing your day to day activities... Read More

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