TimJustus voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How To Avoid Burnout

Avatar Posted by BizBox under Self-Development
From http://bizbox.slate.com 5640 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 1, 2009 2:16 am
BizBox's David Feldman identifies the six things you can do when you feel burned out by your business. Read More

The End Is Nigh For Facebook

Avatar Posted by Empica under News
From http://www.myobpod.com 5640 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 2, 2009 9:09 pm
Will it be over for Facebook soon? Successful entrepreneur and podcast presenter, Guy Kingston thinks so if it doesn't sharpen up its act. Read More
Comments are not often looked at as a source for leads. Why? Many of them could be good prospects. They could be a great addition in the lead nurturing cycle. Why don't they make it to most databases? see how it can be done! Read More

7 Things I Learned Online that I Use at Work

Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From http://www.conversationagent.com 5640 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 1, 2009 2:15 am
Every company already has the tools it needs to do that - they're called marketing communications, public relations, and customer service. They are each powerful when the proper definitions are used. Read More

House Suggests A Bigger Tax Break For Start-ups

Avatar Posted by TimJustus under Startups
From http://blogs.wsj.com 5650 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 24, 2009 4:02 pm
Just a few days after President Obama announced a stimulus plan for small businesses, more breaks might be in the works. Yesterday, Rep. Frank Kratovil of Maryland, a Democrat, and Rep. Chris Lee of New York, a Republican, proposed amending IRS code to allow new businesses to write off more of their operating costs. The bill, the grandly named Read More

Small Is Beautiful at the Mall

Avatar Posted by TimJustus under News
From http://www.kiplinger.com 5664 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 10, 2009 12:34 am
America's retail footprint is shrinking. And not just because the industry will lose about 40,000 more stores than it gains this year, when the recession causes retail sales to drop at least 1%. The trend toward smaller stores is picking up steam. Initiated by the popularity of mini-marts, aimed at consumer convenience, the move away from larg Read More

Obama wants "automatic" IRAs for all workers

Avatar Posted by TimJustus under Employee Benefits
From http://www.investmentnews.com 5664 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 9, 2009 5:07 pm
President Obama is seeking to establish automatic retirement accounts for all workers under his fiscal-2010 budget proposal submitted to Congress yesterday. Under the plan, all employers that didn't offer retirement plans would be forced to enroll employees in direct-deposit individual retirement accounts unless workers chose not to participate Read More

Small loans to keep troubled firms afloat

Avatar Posted by TimJustus under Raising Capital
From http://www.msnbc.msn.com 5675 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 25, 2009 7:04 pm
The economic stimulus package includes a $35,000 life preserver for small businesses drowning in red ink. Under the law, the Small Business Administration temporarily will guarantee 100 percent of loans of up to $35,000 issued by banks to small businesses that are struggling to make payments on existing debt. The SBA will subsidize the interest Read More

Get Ready for the Real Debate on Health Care

Avatar Posted by TimJustus under Employee Benefits
From http://www.allbusiness.com 5679 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 23, 2009 5:24 pm
In survey after survey, small business owners have said that health care is their chief concern, exceeding even taxes and the credit crisis. During the presidential campaign, health care was also a key issue, and Obama vowed to make more affordable and more widely available health care a key priority of his administration. So the stage was set Read More

Barter Fits Bill for Strapped Firms

Avatar Posted by TimJustus under Finance
From http://online.wsj.com 5679 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 23, 2009 5:24 pm
Small businesses, squeezed for cash and unable to get loans, are turning to an ancient payment system: barter. As small businesses find it impossible to borrow money and customers are slower to pay bills, the barter economy is becoming a crucial way for many companies to find the cash they need to keep operating. "It's really of value to s Read More

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