Unmana voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How to Schedule Tweets using Twitter

Avatar Posted by Unmana under Social Media
From http://markitty.com 3980 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on October 20, 2013 12:51 pm
Twitter just launched its own scheduling feature. Read this post to find out how to use it!

And then tell me: will you stop using scheduling apps like Buffer or Hootsuite? Read More
The visual guides and text tell you what sizes are best for your cover photos (on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Twitter), and the linked articles have more tips and inspiration you can use. Read More
Have you looked at the new website section in Twitter Analytics, as well as the other stats that's been available for a while? This blog post explains what I like about this and what I wish was better.

Please read and add on your comments! Read More
I'm always looking for how other businesses blog, in the hopes of picking up some tips. This time, I looked at promotional products blogs and found a few really interesting ones. They're doing fun things with graphics and calls to action and pet pictures!
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What’s up folks this is the first of a series of mini question and answer posts that I’ll be sharing with you over the next few months, and today I ask the question: Are blog directories worth it, or are they a total waste of your time? Read More
What does Google Analytics tell you about your website visitors? Where they live, what languages they use, what devices they use. Find out how to look at this information and how to act on it. Read More

How My Unproductivity Hit Me (And How I Fixed It) + Confessions

Avatar Posted by janesheeba under Self-Development
From http://www.janesheeba.com 4020 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on September 13, 2013 9:18 am
I am going to tell you how I became unproductive, and partially failed during the month of August - given that I am a blogger who talks a lot about productivity and time management. Read More
I looked at some bed-and-breakfast blogs to see what they are writing about and how frequently, and what we can learn from them.

Post frequently and consistently. Use photos. Leverage others' news. Help your readers. Be personal, not distant. Read More
Here are 7 considerations for using Foursquare for Internet marketing without putting your business at risk. Read More
You may sell the best products at the most affordable prices, but if you don’t have all of your e-commerce ducks in a row, customers will shop elsewhere. Here are 5 common mistakes. Read More

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