VivianGuttman voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Ensure you have what you need when you choose from the latest ESB software packages being advertised online. Take a look at the excellent options here. Read More
How we talk about data has changed to include terms such as “fog analytics,” “edge analytics,” and the “four Vs.” As data collection and data storage become more automated, the daily tasks we undertake to run our businesses more efficiently have become more automated as well. Data can help... Read More
Apple is well-known for being innovative and immensely successful, to the point where the company is worth $750 billion (and counting). However, without a healthy dose of workflow analysis they would’ve crumbled under their own business model back in the late 1980s.
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More than 50 percent of businesses in the U.S. are based out of the owner’s home. If you own or are starting a home-based business, you’re in good company. But do you have insurance for the business? Roughly 60 percent of home-based businesses lack sufficient business insurance. Read More
As entrepreneurs, we tend to believe that the key to getting more done is working harder and sleeping less. A litany of research on high performers across many fields suggests the opposite. This in-depth guide highlights research-backed hacks for improving the quality of your sleep. Read More
WordPress and Search Engine Optimisation. Your Quick Start Guide To Effective SEO with WordPress. Read and watch the presentation.
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No matter what kind of business you’re in, if you have a supply chain then it’s vital that you have a system of logistics management processes to guide how that chain runs.
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How to Master Entrepreneurship Without Breaking a Sweat

How to Master Entrepreneurship Without Breaking a Sweat              - Avatar Posted by brianamorgaine under Startups
From 2519 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on August 18, 2017 12:07 am
The SBA says that about two-thirds of businesses fold within the first ten years. So, how does an entrepreneur beat the odds? These tips will help you crack the entrepreneurship code. Read More
Get these 11 best converting lead magnet templates for free. And see live examples & real-life conversion numbers of each (plus 1 tip to 2x conversions).
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Your distributed teams need to communicate effectively. Here are four reasons why group communication tools are exactly what your teams need to be successful.
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