WayneLiew voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Wading into the fast-moving flow of social media can be daunting to a small business owner with very little time on his hands. So Inc. has boiled down 30 tips — from using social networks to generate leads to what not to say in your blog — for the time-strapped but socially curious CEO. Read More
Indeed, lack of confidence can kill a young company. But so, too, can thinking you're all that when you're not. How to strike the right balance between confidence and arrogance? Start by avoiding the following classic traps. I wish they were clichés, but sadly they aren't. Read More
When you do not proactively keep in touch with your key customers, you can find yourself needing to constantly gain new customers to stay in business. So how do you make sure you stay engaged with important customers?

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How Much Business Startup Capital Do You Really Need?

How Much Business Startup Capital Do You Really Need? - http://fitzvillafuerte.com Avatar Posted by ThomasPickering under Raising Capital
From http://fitzvillafuerte.com 5290 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on January 14, 2010 9:47 pm
When you're planning to start a business, these questions are probably the first things that cross your mind. How much startup capital do I need? Do I have enough money? Can I afford to put up this business? If you want to calculate the amount of startup capital needed for your business, you s... Read More
Congratulations! Your New Year’s resolution is to get serious about marketing your small business. You already know that email marketing is a fun, effective and inexpensive way to do it. So now you’re tasked with building your email list. Where do you start? Here are 5 tips to get you started Read More

Medical Marijuana Small Business May Employ E-Commerce

Medical Marijuana Small Business May Employ E-Commerce - http://money.cnn.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From http://money.cnn.com 5290 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on January 13, 2010 8:26 pm
With relaxing attitudes in many states on use of marijuana, specifically for medical purposes, a California tech startup is focusing on bringing a sophisticated suite of business management tools to the industry, comprised mostly of small business, to help them handle regulatory, tax, invoicing and supply chain management issues. CNN Money.com reports on changing attitudes and an evolving small b Read More
It’s pretty common. A small business owner comes to us looking for help promoting his or her business. We suggest using Twitter as a way to find new leads, Read More

Ten Essential Time Management Tips

Ten Essential Time Management Tips  - http://www.ibtimes.com Avatar Posted by TomBirches under Self-Development
From http://www.ibtimes.com 5291 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 18, 2010 10:00 am
Over the past six years, I've picked up a lot of time management tips. Some of them have been helpful and, frankly, some have been useless. Here, I've compiled the ten that have served me best. And yes, I'm sure you'll have heard some of them before ... but are you actually doing them? Read More
Besides obvious employee benefits like health care and disability insurance, About.com small business guide Darrell Zahorsky suggests these eight more uncommon employee benefits your small business may consider offering. Employee benefits can be most helpful for employee retention thus reducing the level of rapid turnover in your staff. But if you haven't thought of these particular little induce Read More

How to Improve Cash Flow in Ninety Days

How to Improve Cash Flow in Ninety Days - http://bestbizpractices.org Avatar Posted by bestbizpractices under Raising Capital
From http://bestbizpractices.org 5291 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on January 17, 2010 12:13 am
When it comes to business, cash is king. Managing your business’s cash is one of the most important activities of an entrepreneur and small business owner. Most start-up businesses that fail do so because of a shortage of cash. In most turnaround situations, the very first problem that needs to be addressed is related to cash– working capital. Without cash, how can you market? And, without market Read More

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