Weblogbetter voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Using testimonials for small businesses advertising is a pretty common tactic used by many businessmen. Not only it is perceived as an easy material to execute, it also gives other people the feeling of authenticity, the closest they will ever get to getting a personal recommendation...
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Do you have a great web design news, template, snipped of code or artwork which you would like to share with the World? Here is an updated list of sites where you can submit your web design news for 2011 Read More
Some quick tips for entrepreneurs on the benefit of small changes. What small changes are you making this year that will make the biggest differences? Read More

14 Facebook Applications to Encourage Fans Engagement in 2011

Avatar Posted by wchingya under Social Media
From http://www.wchingya.com 4996 days ago
Made Hot by: argentisgroup on January 12, 2011 2:32 pm
Discover how these 14 facebook applications can help to encourage fans engagement for your business page in year 2011! Read More
Trying to make a sale on the web is becoming harder with more and more people trying to do the same thing you are which is ultimately, making a profit online. What makes it even more difficult is the fact that you could be up against some of the biggest players on the web like Amazon depending on w Read More

3 Important Things to Ramp Your Blog this Year

Avatar Posted by gautamhans under Technology
From http://www.bloggodown.com 4996 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on January 3, 2011 8:44 pm
A new year has started, which means new experiences and new ideas and to top it all, a lot of fun. As a blogger, with the new year, you should try to ramp up your blog. Read More
It’s pretty common knowledge that implementing an effective social media strategy takes time. That makes tips on how to maximize your social media productivity, such as those shared by Todd Schnick, co-founder of #Innochat, on his strategy for allocating your time very valuable. Read More

6 Errors To Avoid When Starting An Online Business

Avatar Posted by hishaman under Marketing
From http://www.famousbloggers.net 5003 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on December 30, 2010 5:44 pm
My online business has experienced several ups and downs over the past couple of years and as we wind down to the end of 2010 I thought it would be a good idea to analyze the main errors I made in efforts to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes as well as to gauge if I truly did learn anything. Read More

4 Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed by Google Fast

Avatar Posted by gautamhans under Technology
From http://www.bloggodown.com 5006 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on December 27, 2010 10:12 pm
One of the main concerns of a blogger with a new blog is getting indexed by Google. Here are a 4 ways to get your blog indexed by google and other SEs fast Read More
We do things like brushing our teeth and washing our face out of habit, and to make our lives better in some shape or form. There are also some blogging rituals that will make your blog better if you do them - a few minutes every night before bedtime is enough. Find out which those are! Read More

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