Ahouronthis voted on the following stories on BizSugar

We need to find email addresses for the launch in 2 weeks – about 400 should do.

Damn… Read More

How Many Productivity Apps is Too Many?

Avatar Posted by shatekpatrick under Self-Development
From http://www.startuppers.biz 2746 days ago
Made Hot by: andriawhack on March 3, 2017 7:47 am
Productivity apps like Evernote, Trello, IFTTT are amazing. With a mind-boggling amount of recommendations, you've probably found yourself stuck. Read More
It’s not always easy to know whether your team is doing everything you ask them to. How do you know everything is on track? Are you sure your team is taking care of every responsibility? Read More
Ever had to listen to yourself repeating the same instructions to coworkers?

Are you struggling to remember how to complete a task you last tackled a month ago?

Remember feeling frustrated by the time and effort wasted?
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All the Tools, Services and Apps I Use As Host of Podcast Junkies

Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Resources
From https://medium.com 2818 days ago
Made Hot by: BenMulholland on December 20, 2016 4:51 pm
As you can see from the (not so) prolific output here, I tend to only write a post when I feel it is something that is relevant to the podcasting community, as was the case with my last post, 28 Podcasts So Meta, They All Cover the Topic of Podcasting Itself, back in November of 2015 (yikes). Or I Read More

How to make sexy systems

Avatar Posted by StellaShveyqgd under Success Stories
From https://janetmurray.co.uk 2831 days ago
Made Hot by: Shanna94 on December 7, 2016 4:06 pm
In just a few years, Tony Brown went from working 18 hours a day as a freelance consultant to being able to run his business remotely while travelling round Jamaica for eight weeks with his family.

In this episode, he shares how he made this possible by creating systems to document key processes Read More

30 Resources Every Customer Success Manager Should Read

Avatar Posted by kimonos under Resources
From http://blog.getjaco.com 2831 days ago
Made Hot by: kahlua16 on December 7, 2016 4:02 pm
As Customer Success is playing a bigger part in companies’ growth, more and more content is being written about it.

It’s not easy to stay on top of the best posts and resources out there so we’ve created an awesome list of remarkable articles that every CSM should read to stay updated.
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The Ultimate Editing Checklist for Content Marketers

Avatar Posted by kimonos under Marketing
From http://www.problogger.net 2838 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on December 3, 2016 3:50 pm
Unless you’re writing instructions or technical copy, writing is a creative process. When writers are in the flow, they work in bursts of energy, hammering out paragraphs without stopping to think about editing.

Unedited writing is, in the words of Annie Lamott: shitty. And so it should be. If y Read More

6 Must-Do’s For A Successful On Boarding Process

Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Human Resources
From http://www.coraliesawruk.com 2838 days ago
Made Hot by: Shanna94 on December 2, 2016 9:50 am
A recent study conducted in the US by Bamboo HR evidenced that 31 % of employees quit within the first 6 months.
Most of them changed their mind about the job. But a significant proportion left because their team leader failed to make a good impression.
Did you think new employees were the only o Read More
Does your UX meet up with the expectations of your clients? Many SaaS disappoint customers when the reality of their UX doesn't match the €œwrapping€ of their landing pages and product videos. It's disappointing for the SaaS too. You put all of that work and investment into attracting customers, y Read More

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