Alenmajer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The internet is the first place consumers turn when gathering information on your small business. Consumers trust your website more than almost any other form of advertising.  And the web has grown to become more then a place to have a static brochure for your business, it has become an interactive and digital salesman. Read More
According to a recent article in The New York Times, businesses shouldn't expect banks to begin lending more freely anytime soon.

Many banks will not really have the motivation to lend more aggressively until the Federal Reserve starts raising short-term rates, The New York Times said Thursday. "The trouble is, higher interest rates over all tend to cause the value of credit assets to fall. Read More

In a quick first look Seesmic Look makes Twitter more fun. Other than using Twitter for your basic functions like 140 character tweets, DMs, public and sent message streams, Seesmic has the familar term Inbox that will endear this software to most newcomers. In a remarkably smart startegy Loic Le Meur founder of Seesmic has capitalized on a new feature channels. You have the choice of browsing Read More
Bankruptcies really are like car crashes. Most times with more prudent, careful driving they could be avoided. That is why business owners and company leaders need to think safety first, gain second before they go and take on significant business risk. Here is the argument for why. Read More
Do you want to generate more sales in 2010? It's kids play. The past year was very challenging for many sales managers, but now it’s 2010 and we need to look ahead. Have you increased your sales targets? How will you ensure that your team delivers the goods?

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Flight Engineer T.J. Creamer is the first astronaut to make use of this new system. He sent out his first tweet unassisted on Friday from the space station. Read More
Sales and marketing need to be better integrated around execution. Alignment and simultaneous execution allow companies to stretch resources and dollars further and reach more profitable results. Read More
How to use other peoples services and services to help grown your own product or service sales.

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It’s an age-old question: “Do I have to believe in what I am selling to be a good salesperson? “ The answer is complicated. Read More
Don’t you love it when a prospect throws out the same old lame stall, “Can you just send me some information?” For years, we’ve been taught to respond with our own canned reply, “What kind of information would you like me to send you?” …ultimately knowing that we really don’t send any information at all.

You can use this stall tactic to your advantage... Read More

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