Alenmajer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Shane Gibson and Steven Jagger have written a brand new book about social media that will be helpful to business-to-consumer companies and individual salespeople. This podcast episode is Skip Anderson's interview with Shane Gibson, a social media thought leader. Read More
If social media touches all, you have to make sure you touch inside your company too. Marketing needs to share and partner with front line sales to fully leverage their initiatives, then give back to sales in the form of better leads and other benefits. Read More
Why do I suck at plumbing? Because I don't love it! Read this post to see how that simple principle matters to your success. Read More
How to use statistics to help drive sales or convince prospects how good your product or service is.

Statistics in sales are what can differentiate you from your competition. Read More
I explained some of the relationships I have formed through Twitter. They became REAL excited when I gave examples of the relationship aspect of Twitter, after all, isn’t that one of the biggest parts of sales as well, relationship building? Read More
Many in sales use pipeline and forecast interchangeably. The reality is that not only are the two very different, but the way some pipelines are managed lead to continuously erroneous forecasts. Read More
Salespeople get into trouble when they believe so strongly that they will win a particular deal that they don’t take the requisite steps to prepare for the unimaginable loss. The only way to prevent the loss of a deal from disrupting your sales plan is to plan for the loss of the deal in the first place. You should never count on winning any deal, regardless of what it looks like, regardless of w Read More

Can Poor Grammar Kill Business?

Can Poor Grammar Kill Business? - Avatar Posted by marketinglure under Marketing
From 5278 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 21, 2010 5:15 am
A TIME magazine columnist mentioned that his neighbor was canceling her subscription to the NY Times because of typos. Is this an isolated incident? Or can can poor grammar kill any business. Help me find the answer by taking this quick 5-question survey at: Read More
Kaleidico has always been one of the leading innovators in lead management and its critical role in converting Internet leads.

Kaleidico's Sales Manager is Innovation

Our Sales Manager lead management software has led the way many times in the Internet lead generation space: Read More
The purpose of any business should be to profitably create experiences that are so compelling to their customers that loyalty is nearly assured. Read More

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