Alenmajer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Today’s podcast is with sales technology thought leader John Cousineau who is President of Innovative Information the creators of Amacus. John and I have had a number of coffee chats and debates around why and how to use technology and social media to improve sales performance and customer experience. The nexus of sales and social media seems to be happening in the CRM and Social CRM space. The Read More
This list of sales industry leaders is composed of sales executives, writers, trainers, analysts and more, all of whom are making savvy use of many of the social media tools available today and helping usher in the renaissance they like to call ‘Sales 2.0.’ Read More

Simple Competitive Intelligence Using RSS Feeds

Avatar Posted by billrice under Social Media
From 5378 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on January 8, 2010 12:35 am
Competitive intelligence is an increasingly critical skill. The economy has made the business environment more competitive. However, the increasingly social Web is big factor.

Companies (your competitors) are leaking more information than ever into social media channels. Snooping on these dropped hints and disclosures can give you a big strategic advantage.
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Daily News - Holmes Report’s Top Five PR Campaigns Of The Decade

Avatar Posted by jsternal under Public Relations
From 5378 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 11, 2010 7:39 pm
The Holmes Reports has announced its list of the top five public relations campaigns of the decade. These campaigns demonstrate the impressive breadth and depth of the work in the PR profession; the strategic thinking and the creativity that help clients cut through the communications clutter that defined the first ten years of the 21st century and capture the public’s imagination. Read More

Web Leads – Pounce or Nurture? | Better Closer

Avatar Posted by billrice under Online Marketing
From 5378 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on January 13, 2010 3:57 am
Mike Damphousse, of Smash Mouth Marketing blog does an interesting survey of several lead generation experts.

How aggressively do I go after them? Do I pounce immediately? Do I pause and call shortly thereafter? Do I just nurture them? Do I wait a couple days then call?

This is definitely the top question we get about Internet lead management at Kaleidico. So, what do the experts say? Read More
Like many salespeople and small business owners, I find staying focused during prime selling hours to be difficult.

Interruptions, minor emergencies, emails, phone calls, and a myriad of other issues and concerns are constantly trying to draw my attention away from my primary business activity—selling.

So what did I do? Read More
An article about how new client meetings should run like a good first date, with excitment and trust Read More

Emails That Win Deals!

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Sales
From 5378 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on January 7, 2010 8:38 pm
One of our top performers called me to her cube today and said, “Doyle… I need your help. I was supposed to get a final decision today from a big account I’ve been waiting on. Although the prospect promised to call me… she didn’t. I’ve tried calling her and haven’t been able to reach her. It’s the end of the day, and I’m writing her an email. Can you read over it and tell me what you think…”

I Read More
An overview on how to use content to make sales as opposed to an old school sales letter. Includes tips, tricks and more. Read More
Professionalism in sales requires two defining attributes. These attributes are intentions and outcomes. Intentions speak to the salespersons motivations. Outcomes speaks to their competency in helping their clients achieve their goals. Read More

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