Alenmajer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

One day, you wake up and you effortlessly sell more effectively than you ever imagined possible. But there are thousands of days between today and that day. Read More
I’m a tremendous fan of many of the Sales 2.0 tools. I think any high performing sales person must exploit these tools to the fullest. They enable people to magnify their effectiveness greatly, as well as improving their efficiency. Read More
Triggers provide an opportunity to connect with buyers in a way that aligns with events and trends in their day to day realities. This webinar looks at the fundamentals of triggers and how to maximize the to identifying and engaging with buyers. Read More
Emotion is when you buy based on what they desire to possess – not on what you think. Although, your desires are present on a very deep level, you are still capable of feeling them and being aware of their existence. Emotions have a hard-fought impact on your buying decision. Read More
As a sales manager, the only real assets you can deploy to produce results are your salespeople. Often times we mistakenly focus on resources instead of assets. Read More
In sales, particularly B2B sales, I think we are at an inflection point. In the past 100 years, I believe there have only been two other inflection points in sales. But this one is different than the other two. For those that recognize it and embrace it, the opportunity can be extraordinary. Fo Read More
There’s money to be made renting giant slides, merry-go-rounds, and moonbounces. In case you don’t know what a moonbounce is, it’s an inflatable mesh-sided room in which kids can jump up and down. According to an article on, moonbounces rent for between $85 and $350 a day, and gian Read More
There is no magic bullet in sales, which includes prospecting. Rather than looking for the best time, make time in sufficient amount to fuel your sales success. Read More

Chasing the Bottom

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4931 days ago
Lately I have spent a lot of time thinking about how many sales organizations sell price and why they do so. Here are a few of those observations. Read More
Playing catch-up is not usually fun. And being perpetually “late to the party” is a common reason salespeople fail at winning new pieces of business.
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