Alenmajer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Some of the major problems in producing results in sales are due to problems of synchronization. Without synchronization, you lack the relationships that you need. Read More
This week's guest post by Linda Beck looks at the importance of Emotional Intelligence. Linda examines the role it plays in an organizations success, but how to manage and leverage it in sales. Read More
Marlene Chism author of Stop Workplace Drama, discuss the impact of drama on the workplace. Discover the key factors affecting productivity as a result of drama in the workplace. Read More

Stop Drifting

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4965 days ago
There are lots of currents in the sales game, any of which can sweep you away if you let them. Without personal goals and strong action, you drift. Read More

You Can ALWAYS Demonstrate Quantified Value

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 4966 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Bluesman on February 25, 2011 1:45 pm
There is no excuse to not quantify the value you can deliver to a customer. Collaboration and trade always produce value for both parties in the deal. Think through the following. Read More
In today's video, the question of how does a sales process look like in the real world. Once the elements are defined and refined for your organizations, it does have to be rolled out into the real world, which takes effort and continuous support. Read More
Pride isn’t only missing in popular culture. In business—and in sales—pride has also disappeared. Pride still matters. It matters a great deal, and in sales, too. Read More
Some new tools and new ideas can revolutionize your sales efforts. However, much of what you need to do to succeed in sales is simple, routine maintenance. Read More
Quality and result of sales training will become a tangible differentiator for organizations looking to attract the right talent. But reps also need to invest in themselves to qualify for choice sales positions. Read More

Have They Broken The Code?

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 4968 days ago
Here’s the scenario: The company is a B2B distributor of printing equipment and supplies. It was founded by a team of three people with a financial backer 14 years ago. In 2010, their 52 sales reps brought in just over $60 million in revenue. Annual sales growth has settled in right around 18%. Read More

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