Alenmajer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Threats are sometimes spoken, and sometimes they are implied. And sometimes you believe promises that can’t be kept. Both can hold you hostage. Read More
I created a controversy in my blog the other day by suggesting we Put Marketing On Commission! There were a lot of different things that arose in the various discussions the post provoked. One thing that struck me is how little people understand the construction of commission systems Read More
Let me confess, I'm a contol freak. It bothers me to think that being in control is an illusion. As sales people, business professionals, managers and leaders, we are always trying to control something. As sales people, we try to control the sales process---yet it's the customer that is in control Read More

Star Wars And It's Warning To Suppliers

Star Wars And It's Warning To Suppliers  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Sales
From 4898 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on February 12, 2011 6:40 pm
When dealing with a company as a supplier, it is important to have more than one contact. It is possible to end up being the victim of an empire builder and have no insights into the remainder of the business. This can lead to a tarnished reputation or unseen sales opportunities. Read More
If you are a new B2B salesperson, these 9 essential books will help you to build a foundation upon which to build a successful career in business-to-business sales. Read More
As sales managers move into new roles or plan their year, there is a lot of pressure to set stretch goals. Reaching these goals requires resources. Read More
Performance management is a hot issue. Sales leaders and business managers constantly strive to get the highest levels of performance from their people and teams. We coach, provide tools and systems, create processes, measure and reward. All of these are important, but I think we tend to overlook a Read More
Do you have a list of hard hitting questions that you can ask your clients or prospects? Spend some time figuring out questions that will make your clients. Read More

Metrics – Lots & Lots of Metrics

Metrics – Lots & Lots of Metrics  - Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 4899 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business News on February 3, 2011 5:36 am
Readers of this blog have seen a lot about the indispensable value of metrics. First, ya’ gotta’ have a defined process. Then ya’ gotta’ measure it. That’s the only way to know if improvement has occurred or not, and at what rate. It’s the only way you can prove your dedication to continuous im Read More
Sales is a creative process that requires the sales professional to master the "science" in order to excel at the "art". You can only go so far by focusing strictly on the "art", true professionals continue to focus and improve the fundamentals, which then allows them to evolve the whole process a Read More

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