Alenmajer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

To succeed in sales, you have to know the outcome that you want from the actions you are taking, and you have to have a single-minded focus on achieving that outcome Read More
An effective sales process establishes stages, or ZONES, based on aligning the selling process with the buying process. This includes details such as tasks, tools, and even specific questions that move the mutual process forward efficiently. Read More
There are some positions where commission-only structure makes sense. There are some salespeople for whom a commission-only pay structure makes sense. They are few. Read More

OK, So I Exaggerated A Bit…

OK, So I Exaggerated A Bit…  - Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 4916 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on January 18, 2011 7:49 pm
Yeah, OK, I’ll admit to exaggeration in the title of my recent “Death of All Sales Reps” post. Anthony Iannarino called me on it. More accurately it should have been “The Imminent Death Of All Current Sales Reps Who Fail To Recognize And Aggressively Exploit The Coming Explosive Growth Of Interne Read More
The question as to what makes you different is either the easiest question in the world to answer, or it is the most difficult question to answer. Read More
“Don't tell me how hard you work. Tell me how much you get done.  - -  James Ling

Sure it's a hard-nosed attitude, but is there any other way? Read More
As with any profession, understanding which activities have a positive impact on outcomes, and which are negative is important to track and know. The goal is to eliminate the negative ones which increasing and improving the positive activities. Read More
Your place in the value chain is in helping your dream clients to produce results for their dream clients. You are their competitive advantage. Read More
A colleague was recently sharing research on how people learn.  The data was very interesting and, perhaps, explains why we don't get the results we expect Read More

“Death Of All Sales Reps”

“Death Of All Sales Reps”  - Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 4920 days ago
I read "Have We Been Witnessing The Death Of Professional Selling?" on Jonathan Farrington’s blog. He and I exchanged perspectives, and now I’ve got this “Death Of All Sales Reps” theme banging around in my head. The more I think about it, the more I become certain that sales as we know it is abo Read More

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