Alenmajer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

These statements reflect the reality of sales and selling in a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment. Read them and decide for yourself. Read More
Well it's all over,save for the party. Tomorrow we start it all over again. Some last glimpses at the year that was with an eye to launching a better year ahead. Read More

The Receptivity Trap

The Receptivity Trap - Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4937 days ago
Receptivity needs to be one of many criteria by which you qualify your targets; it cannot be the only criteria.Don’t get trapped. Read More
This year’s lessons are next year’s improvements—if you think deeply and take massive action on what you learned and discerned over the past year. Read More
What makes what you need seem impossible are constraints; obstacles that make what you need difficult to achieve. Read this and rethink your plan. Read More
Your competitors are going to talk about the results they produce. That makes execution a tough differentiator to sell; unless you can prove it. Read More
A force multiplier is an attribute that enables you to be far more effective than you would be without it. The most underrated is cohesion. Read More
The big pieces, the activities, the methods, the principles for selling successfully are widely known. They’re just not widely practiced. Read More

Competing Against Fairy Tales

Competing Against Fairy Tales - Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4944 days ago
Made Hot by: starresults on January 3, 2011 1:47 am
There are some salespeople—and sales organizations—that are willing to tell prospective clients whatever they want to hear in order to win the deal. Read More
The chart below is called the Business Relationships Maturity Continuum. More than just your clients belong in each of these columns and rows. Read More

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