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How To Value Time

Avatar Posted by tathan under Strategy
From 3868 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on February 28, 2014 12:48 am
It is not always easy to control time, let alone to know how to value it! Here are 5 tips that anyone can use in order to learn how to realy value time. Read More
Leading is not easy! It takes times to build it and little things can ruin it! This is the reason why a leader should avoid certain things! Check them here! Read More

How to Use Twitter to Get New Customers

Avatar Posted by kumailhemani under Sales
From 3868 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on February 28, 2014 12:47 am
Potential customers' Twitter profiles are full of clues that will help you figure out how to sell to them. Here's what to look for. Read More

Are You Using the Right Ways to Get Reddit Traffic?

Avatar Posted by geekstrack under Social Media
From 3868 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on February 28, 2014 12:56 am
Reddit is an important and best way to drive traffic to your blog. But most of us keep struggling to get traffic from Reddit. In the first few days you get traffic from Reddit but after then it is Zero. Have you realized why? Read More
Death is the one thing we can count on in this life. We often push the thought aside to avoid depression. But in the case of a solo entrepreneur, death is something we have to be prepared for if we want our business to live on. While some entrepreneurs are fine with the thought of having their busi Read More
In the following post I am going to share a powerhouse of epic content marketing tools with you that will help you do everything from planning to promoting and improving your content. Read More
You’re running around, constantly reading the newest stuff on how to improve your social media efforts, but what really is happening is much more simple: you’re missing the essential basics, which make everything stick together.
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5 Ways to Train a Sales Team this Afternoon

Avatar Posted by TST1 under Sales
From 3869 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on March 2, 2014 5:30 pm
When you’ve got a sales team that are falling down in motivation and in sales effectiveness sometimes a quick pep talk will do the job. For those other times when the pep talk doesn’t cut it, it’s time to get the training manual out. Read More
Every leader has limited bandwidth. Was Ukraine the price of Sochi's Olympics for Vladimir Putin? Focusing your efforts on a huge goal is exciting. When you achieve it, the satisfaction and gratification is wonderful. But the biggest impact might come from the things that happened elsewhere. Read More
Who says that commerce (or e-commerce) is boring? With the ability to use celebrities, quirky images, and catchy slogans — anything is possible. This blog post is dedicated to those who do it best: American Express, VISA, and MasterCard. We will also briefly discuss what each of those cards can bri Read More

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