Alleliaspili voted on the following stories on BizSugar

We have a list of who we think are the top thought leaders on customer experience. These people are subject matter experts in their fields and have consistently shared their views, opinions and data to the world through their books, articles, blog posts and social media status updates. Read More
For your businesses to actively focus on servicing clients beyond satisfactory level, your customer service representatives should possess these qualities. Read More
How can you deliver excellent customer service if your main business platform is found online? Here are several ways to achieve business success, even if you don't see customers face to face. Read More
I found a post that is definitely share-worthy. Infinit Datum organized 65 infographics that will help improve a businesses online marketing strategy. There is a wide array (obviously with 65!) so something for everyone. Read More
Digital marketing involves effective use of social media channels to reach and engage customers at varying sales stages (new, old, potential). Read More
These books will help you gain insight on how some of the best companies approach customer service in their organizations, and how you can apply the same principles that helped them achieve success in their field. Read More
It's essential for starting companies to make sure that their priority among all others is customer service. It's ideal to start great with customer service but there may be changes and/or unavoidable situations that would require a company to re-evaluate its customer service strategies and process Read More
Blogging should be done correctly. If not, your business will not have the online reputation you are aiming at. The equation is simple; Bad online reputation, no customers. Here are 5 reasons why small businesses fail in blogging: Read More
I just realized that it is not just about building your own dynasty and winning all the wars you’re in. If you are going to think about it, entrepreneurs can definitely learn some things for their business; especially the small ones. Read More
The outsourcing market is projected to grow further due to an increased demand for document processing outsourcing services by organizations looking to lower operational costs and leverage on the technological advancements that are currently available. Read More

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