Arthurbland voted on the following stories on BizSugar

“This project will succeed or fail based on how well we handle the communications. Internal and external to the project.“ Environment plays a vital role for Global Businesses. A global entrepreneur must aware of the latest trend in the environment. It is important to know that there is always what we called “new business environment”. The major p Read More
Seeking for business financing is not easy. There are a lot of things you need to prepare. It requires a lot of persuasion and the guts to present your credibility. While there are a lot of alternatives to get a business financing, you should at least know the different approaches when seeking business financing Read More
Starting a small business is often overwhelming rather than exciting. You will be bombarded with a lot of responsibilities and tasks. While others are willing to take the challenges of starting a small business, others just choose not to take the risk. Read More
One of that skills is one of the very important management skill in business -- Risk Management. Read More
Business Standard published a small business news about global business exporting vulnerabilities. Read More
The first golden rule to establishing business credit lines is to ask for them. If you don't ask, no one is going to come over and say "hey, here have some credit". Read More

How to use Twitter to engage your customers and prospects

Avatar Posted by robhallums under Public Relations
From 5399 days ago
Made Hot by: ethan on October 14, 2009 11:42 am
A brief 10-step approach to help business understand Twitter a little more and highlight the way in which it can support and enhance a customer relationship management strategy - at very little cost. Read More

Top 25 Home-Based Business Ideas Today

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Startups
From 5399 days ago
Made Hot by: aliciatrinidad on October 14, 2009 2:08 pm
Considering a change? Want to start your own business? Check out this loaded list of the best home based businesses to pursue in this rough economy so you can start working towards your goal today... Read More

5 Ways to Get Your Customers Talking

Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Marketing
From 5400 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on October 13, 2009 3:40 pm
Word of mouth marketing is considered by many to be the most desired form of marketing. The trust, referrals, and overall brand building buzz that's garnered by customers spreading the good word to prospects is worth its weight in gold. Here are five way to get your customers talking about you and your organization. Read More

Today's Top 5 Business Influencers

Avatar Posted by ryantaft under Online Marketing
From 5400 days ago
Made Hot by: arthurbland on October 13, 2009 3:19 pm
There are many smart people out there, but only a select few use their intelligence to help others succeed. Here's a list of today's top business influencers. Read More

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