Azizulyusof voted on the following stories on BizSugar

B2B business are faced with busy customers, changing schedules, and sales efforts that depend on agility and adaptability. In an ecosystem like this, it's easy to understand why mobile sales solutions are on the rise. Here's how apps and devices are poised to make businesses more efficient and cust Read More

How To Promote Your Business Using YouTube

Avatar Posted by businessbanter under Online Marketing
From 3826 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on April 11, 2014 8:35 pm
YouTube marketing should be a channel every business should take part in for the benefit of their audience. Here are some useful, simple tips on YouTube use. Read More

How To Write Great Content That Makes Your Blog Stand Out

Avatar Posted by garyhyman under Social Media
From 3826 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on April 11, 2014 8:15 pm
Writing blogs is one of the best ways to improve your online brand identity. Also if you want to be a successful blogger, you have to write compelling and engaging content consistently. You have to come up with an interesting topic and take lots of other steps to make sure you are writing the best Read More
Perfectionism is often seen as a source of honor but I learned that it actually isn't the secret element in achieving success in business. In fact, it can hurt it. How? It taps into your productivity and severely affects your ability to grow. I'm in recovery. Are you? Read More
The world of online marketing is rapidly changing and a lot of times – complex. Technology advances and newer platforms rise in an infinite possible way allowing people to interact online differently each time. Read More
Sharing is caring. This is why Shareaholic now supports share counts for all of the major social services. See what our share buttons can do for you. Read More

Are You Handling Your Stress?

Avatar Posted by esheckler under Human Resources
From 3827 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on April 12, 2014 5:10 am
Life can sometimes be overwhelming. Projects, meetings, and to-do lists can leave you drowning. For Stress Awareness Month, we're offering these five tips on handling your stress. Read More
Even if you aren’t planning to apply for a job anytime soon, it does make sense to dust off your resume and update it. Read More

Writing Priorities: Why I'll Be Blogging Less This Year

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Online Marketing
From 3827 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on April 12, 2014 5:27 am
Why I'll Be Doing Less Blogging This Year - A blogger explains why she'll be doing lots of writing, but less blogging, in the months ahead. Read More

5 Ways Email Marketing Brings More Customers - Across the Board

Avatar Posted by paylane under Marketing
From 3827 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on April 12, 2014 5:26 am
There are five different types of emails that can help your business gain more valuable customers, from thought out confirmation emails all the way to recommendation mails, there are simple steps you can take to make the best of email marketing. Read More

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